North Yorkshire Local Access Forum

25 September 2024


Yorkshire Water Woodland Management Plan


1.0         Purpose of the Report

1.1       The NYLAF, as a statutory body have been contacted by Fountains Forestry UK Ltd, on behalf of Yorkshire Water Services Ltd, regarding a new Woodland Management Plan for the region which outlines woodland management activities, including felling and restocking proposals, for the next 10 years.  Fountains Forestry Ltd have invited interested parties to provide feedback on the proposals by 30th September 2024.


2.0       Background

2.1       Fountains Forestry Ltd have been appointed as service providers for Woodland and Tree Management for Yorkshire Water Services Limited. Within the process to develop a new woodland management plan there is a requirement to contact statutory bodies, neighbours, and local interests, to establish any likely sensitivities, constraints or opportunities that could influence the future design, development, and management of the woodland.

2.2       Yorkshire Water woodland estate was originally planted around the reservoirs to protect the catchment and water quality. The woodland encompasses valuable habitat, enhances biodiversity, and provides the backdrop for thousands of visitors to enjoy access. The woodland estate is certified as sustainably managed under the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) accreditation scheme.


2.3       The long-term vision is to manage the woodland to safeguard the sustainability of the woodland, protecting the catchment and water quality, enhancing biodiversity and resilience, and provide opportunities for recreation. This also preserves cultural heritage, sustains, and enhances local and national biodiversity, develops, and enhances the landscape, and provides opportunities for amenity and recreation.


2.4       A link to the felling operations plan and restocking plans was provided, along with a feedback form.  Rachel Connolly has started to formulate a response on behalf of the Forum at appendix 1, along with a list of the sites identified in the North Yorkshire area at appendix 2.


3.0       Report Recommendation

3.1       That the Forum consider and agree the response to Fountains Forestry UK Ltd.


Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)



Report Author:   Dawn Drury, Secretary to North Yorkshire Local Access Forum